Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week we had pork coming Sears who has really wanted to improve that his contact with his iron play what he was finding was he was striking the ground behind the ball a lot he wasn't really getting that pure strike that compressed strike that you see with a lot of the top prayers you know the one way basically strike the ball first every single time and take a slight divot after the golf ball so you start to set that ball off and a stronger trajectory with more power what he was finding was is he was kind of catching it a bit clean a little bit thin sometimes striking the ground behind the body just wasn't making solid contact in this week training we're gonna show you exactly what we did to improve his contact one of the things he was doing he's been trying all the things that he may be seen online he'd been trying to hit down on the golf ball to try and get the ball on the ground but none of it was working because there is a much simpler way and we're gonna share that way in this week's training before we do if you are new to the channel and this is one of your first videos at consider subscribing released content just like this one every single week to try my best to help you improve your game so what is a strike how do you achieve it what's the difference between the great strikers and then the guys that maybe aren't striking it so good let me explain so basically the best ball strikers in the world or even the best strikers at your Golf Club have very common things in couple of things in common so basically what we try to do is this when they set up they when they come in through impact they actually have less loft on the golf club through the impact area so that's the first thing so from the setup here through impact that loft goes down so the handle now is ahead of the golf ball there's also a lot of weight on the lead side at the moment of impact maybe eighteen ninety percent on the left side and there's a gentle rotation through so these are the impact conditions of a great strike they strike the ball then the ground that is that's what's happening the pourer ball strikers tend to have very little weight on their lead side at impact they tend to in sense be increasing the loft through impact as opposed to decrease it because it turns into a bit of a flick attempt a week here so that laughs which is reducing distance and it's because of this they sent a start to strike the ground a little bit behind the ball I'm not always taking the divots as well and thinning batting you name it they're hitting it so it's a weak trajectory the question is how do you go from that to basically getting a compress strike well that's what we worked on with Paul now Paul Alexei had been trying a lot of things he'd been trying to come down on the golf ball I've been trying to keep his hands ahead but all those things are artificial there's a much much more natural way to go about achieving this before we do what we're gonna do is we're gonna establish exactly where you are striking the ground so what I would suggest is this is a very simple exercise so I've got five balls lined up here I'm gonna establish where I'm striking it so you can see hopefully what a decent ball strike looks like so I've got a lineup here I'm going to start with this ball here let's have a look where I'm striking this shot a little bit cleaning that one for me but as you can see it doesn't matter divot here are the grazing of the ground is happening just after the golf ball I count again something to look at this again look at that divot breaking the ground just after the golf ball still there's a line look divot starting just after slightly better strike got more into the golf ball in that one so so what we did so you've got the idea so get the lines kind of set up so you kind of in a sense you can establish if you're on turf roughly where you're hitting it if you're going kind of range Matt then you can obviously kind of put ball down and see where you hear any but you can do is you can use a foot spray spray it roughly where the ball would be okay to establish and then look at where you're starting to strike the ground relative to that what you could do then which is simple I didn't work on this report so not a great drill to kind of get you striking the ball then the ground it's simply if you're on turf let's try to make max simply just after the golf ball so just practice that and really kind of get that sensation of simply getting in this is max on this side of the golf ball that would be a simple one to do if you're on a driving range you've got your line where the ball would be then simply spray a line maybe two or three inches up maybe two inches just after the golf ball here and see if you can take out the second line not the first try that initially and then basically in a sense going to what I did before now that's a simple one now we Paulie didn't do that I wanted to do something a little bit more natural with Paul he was simply doing which I see a lot of golfers doing getting very static of the gospel I've been trained very very hard to improve his game and what you'll find is is if you have a look at this image here what Paul was doing is through impact error he was very very static with the legs now one of the problems if you want to get on this side of the golf ball you cannot be static with the legs you have to be more dynamic now he thought he was to a certain degree but the problem was he was struggling to feel it so I'm gonna I gave him an exercise that would help him feel what was necessary for him to get from a static position into a much much more athletic move through the shot so let's go through it so have a look at this position here he's swinging back and as it's coming through here you can see here there's nothing going on the legs are very quiet here and then because of that because the legs get very quiet his hands in these arms have to pick up the slack causing very weak flicky style motions so we need to somehow get his legs working watch this I then got him to start to throw some golf balls and look at the difference look at the difference in their athleticism and this exists in you too every time I do two players they are so naturally athletic they get the correct Martian all the time have a look at how athletic his legs are now what does this prove it means that he does not need to learn what to do he just needs to learn how to do it his body like yours can already do this look at the natural turn through impact Heaphy was it able to put that into his swing he would start to strike the ball then the ground with so much energy so much power and accuracy so that is what we did the way we that start to build that up then was sin look now he's got he first you always see it he now believes that he could really get this going then it's a kiss of track transfer this into the swing what I want you to do is start to make some throwing motions get a sense of where your weight is and around about this point here start to throw feelings that were coming out for poor where it felt much freer he really felt naturally transferring the way he didn't try to put it on there it was a natural process what you can do from there is this you could simply start hit some golf balls or some swings where you're kind of looking out there and trying to get a feel of this throwing action feel how it's working but what we did is this it's already helped when you make the throw just pause for a second get a feel of what it's going to release from then what I want you to do take your lis down right at the right hand I'm taking my left down and bring it back to your right now at this stage you're going to feel where impact position is for you not me it's gonna be different for all the depending on your level of flexibility some people might not be as turned as I am right so for the younger guys in their early twenties are gonna be miles and further round than me right but what we're going to do is we're going to find out where you were so when you in a sense get your throwing action here and you move your left arm or you lis down back here where are you gonna be now I've got an idea of what it's supposed to feel like what I'm doing now is I make a swing and I compare that feeling to what is actually happening for me and that felt pretty close if I was a husband honest that felt really really close so that is what I want you to do use your throwing action as your coach and basically what you want to do is this mix and Marsh's because the rotation and the natural motion he will get you forward enough and rotating at the right amount to start to strike that ball then the ground for those if you were trying really hard to strike the ball correctly you're going to be too static down here and unfortunate your hands that just tried to your favor they're going to have to use would be use you know have to flick it you're going to have to use your arms so let someone have a look at this I'm basically feeling the rotation and I'm firing through and that's the other thing and Paul felt he felt much freer with its motion here he's not hanging on he's letting it go get yourself set imagine that motion there bring Ally down back to the pits it should feel where impact supposed to be hold it come back and thence compare this motion
to the one that we've just seen and notice here I am not trying to strike this so at this stage the ground be ahead of the golf ball it's a natural thing that happens with correct Martian often what happens when people are trying to strike the ground after the golf ball they start to do these choppy aggressive downward strikes and that is not no good for anybody it doesn't create natural flow when you look from this side here when people get static with their legs they get into this position here and the legs are impact a weight or the hips impact our way to square from there they're just literally no room so what happens is the wrists have to flick and there's no way of striking really the ground after the golf ball when you throw look at the natural rotation you're gonna you're gonna get everyone does it no matter with your 89 years old right down to your teens everyone's going to get some what we call disassociation with this association is basically the hips have moved and the shoulders have been held back just a little bit here now obviously the older you are at times sometimes the guys are a little bit older don't have as much rotation as the younger guys but you will have some the key is to work out how to feel it for you and working on the throwing action here naturally transfers your way automatically and gets you that motion here you could just hit golf balls like I say almost imagine that you are throwing that's not a problem trying to almost replicate the throw but you could also slow it down a little bit more where what you can do is you can learn it in a sense more gradually so what you can do is you can learn the feeling of impact which is this use your throwing action imagine you're rotating through here and when you get to your your trail arm here in my case I'm alright I'm roughly where the impact is going to be move your Li down back to it and that's going to give you an idea of roughly where the impact position is going to be for you you might not be able get spy around as me and I can't get around the stars of like a Cameron champ but I've got an idea now my job is to kind of in a sense compare this motion to one that I've just felt just a few seconds ago a
little bit quick that one for me not quite as good as I'd like it's got nice and straight but what I'm doing now is I've got an idea I've got a feeling of what I'm after and I've got something to compare it with so let's summarize them you want to start striking the ball then the ground what needs to happen well we know we have to the club needs to be deal off till we know the handle has to get ahead and we know our weight now that needs to be on our lead foot problem is how do you get there well you need to get there in a more natural way it's not about trying to chop down on the golf ball trying to hit the divot very few players really are trying to hit the ground after the golf play it's a natural phenomenon phenomenon and the best way to do it the one that the way I do it Paul was literally showing the throwing action here getting the feeling of what he's supposed to be doing here look at this when you when you try and throw you don't hang back you naturally go forward you also naturally rotate learn to kind of in a sense allow that to be a coach from then what you do you say okay right now I've got that feeling here of what I need to be doing all I then do there is getting too rough my impact position here move my Li down back here that's my personal impact position okay right let's see how close this can be to that notion if you want to do it in a more flowing way you could do or you could simply just practice throwing here one two get yourself set up here I know where you go that's another way of doing it because in a sense it's a sensation of letting go works at an absolute treat the stopping and starting this motion here where we lean back it just keeps you a little bit more detail a little bit more detail and feel around the impact area I suggest also when you do it sometimes do it slowly so when you're making this motion here feel that bringing Li down back and maybe imagine now swinging at a pace where you can work on it just a bit easier and a bit better but I hope you find this useful because this is getting the Balter strike is that something you have to really try and do it's usually Annapolis hears it's a natural thing and the reason why most people don't do it they get very static with our legs so this exercise about waking those legs up again a bit more and put also more importantly put it into a structure that you can feel how to go about achieving it I hope you enjoy this video it's a real popular one please share with as many people as you possibly can because this is something I see too often at golf clubs I want to get rid of it of course if you enjoy the training and you want to see us next week click the subscribe button Annabelle but until next week have a great golfing week.